Tuesday, October 1, 2013

After: Dr. George's Plaque Blast Review

Dr. George's Plaque Blast Review

Mason was a super trooper for his treatment with the "Plaque Blast." The product says "Pet Approved Taste", however I'm not so sure Mason would agree. When he saw his Mom coming with the bottle, his ears would go down, but he did allow her to faithfully do the treatment three times daily.  Although he didn't appreciate the treatment, he did not  show any major signs of distaste (foaming at the mouth, excessive drooling, etc), and no major side effects were noted throughout the course of the month.  Mom says the product was fairly easy to administer, however the sprayer on the bottle did break a few days before the end (but there was hardly any left in the bottle so it wasn't a big deal).  The bottle lasted her almost 28 days, she stopped on day 25 when the bottle sprayer broke, and she suspects that it would not have lasted much longer than a few days with how much seemed to be left in there.

Prior to showing her the "before" pictures, his Mom thought the teeth looked improved, but when we compared them there really was not much of a difference, but I'll let you decide for yourself!
Week 1 Comparisons

Week 3 Comparisons

Week 4 Comparisons

We missed week 3, it was a busy week and we were unable to get Mason in for his pictures, but we did get them on day 28, 3 days after stopping treatment.
The product claims that you can have results in as little as 30 days, but does not say how long it should be used for. The directions state to "Spray directly onto pet's teeth 2 to 3 times per day until teeth are clear."  Mason's Mom did not feel that there was enough improvement in the first 30 days to compel her to buy another bottle and continue trying.  It is possible that after extended periods that one may see more of an improvement, but when required to purchase a new bottle every 3-4 weeks, the cost can quickly add up.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

**Important Pet Health Reminder***

As the weather starts to get warm again, please remember that our canine/feline friends are just as prone to heat stroke as humans are! Please don't leave your pet in the car!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Product Review: Dr. George's Plaque Blast

We frequently get questions about commercially available products, and whether or not they're as effective as they claim to be on TV.  One of the more popular "as seen on TV" products is Dr. George's Plaque Blast

As far as dental hygiene goes, there is absolutely no replacement for brushing and/or professional scaling of the teeth.  However, there are some helpful products out there that have taken the extra steps to prove that they actually do what they say they do, and those products receive the seal of the  Veterinary Oral Health Council.  Dr. George's product does not bear the seal of the VOHC, but we do have clients ask us about this product, and the reviews online appear to be positive. The box claims that the product HELPS TO: Reduce Plaque, Reduce Tartar, Promote Healthy Gums, and Promote Fresh Breath.

So just out of sheer curiousity, we decided to go ahead and try this product on one of our own dogs.  Mason, a 5 year old mixed breed, belonging to one of our receptionists, was more than happy to volunteer. 
Isn't he cute??
 But his teeth are another story...and his breath is a bit stinky!
Notice the red gums all along the teeth. That is a sign of gingivitis (gum inflammation).
The product states that you simply spray it on the animal's teeth 2-3 times a day.  Brushing enhances the effects of the product, however, we decided that most people who are going to use this product are not brushing their dog's teeth to start with (otherwise they wouldn't need the product!), and aren't going to start brushing.  So Mason's mom is just spraying it on all of his teeth 2-3 times daily.
We plan to use the product for a month, as the "activator" that you pour in before starting to use it, becomes inactive after 30 days.  The directions state that you "spray directly onto pet's teeth 2 to 3 times per day until teeth are clear"  However, the advertisements and the box state that you have "Amazing results after just 30 days", so we're going to give it 30 days!  We plan to take weekly pictures to follow Mason's progress, and will note any adverse reactions or unusual behavior. Stay tuned to see Mason's Progress!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Meet Stevie!

Meet Stevie! (Or at least that's what we're calling her for now)

Stevie was found by one of our veterinarians after being abandoned after birth. As far as we can tell, she was only a couple of days old when she was found. 

Stevie is now 1 week old, and growing like a weed! She has almost doubled in size!
But she's still pretty tiny!

We are having a contest to name this little one, and we will also be looking for a home for her once she's big enough.  You can submit name ideas in the comments section, as well as on our facebook page: GSAC Facebook Page
Stay tuned to watch little Stevie grow! We will update with pictures each week and the progress of finding her a name and a new forever home!!